About the Author

P. Jameson is a USA Today Bestselling author who likes to spend her time daydreaming, and then rearranging those dreams into heartstring-pulling stories of trials and triumph. Paranormal is her jam, so you're sure to find said stories full of hot alpha males of the supernatural variety who fall hard for strong, sassy women. She lives next door to the great Rocky mountains with her husband and kids, who provide her with plenty of writing fodder.

  • LiLu

    Another beautifully written, drama laden story. So much hurt, it made my eyes leak. That being said, it takes a special talent to get those feels on display from reading. Looking forward to reading the rest of the series.

  • Pamela

    Great writing and characters. Great first book in this series. Makes you want to read the next book in the series as soon as possible. I already bought the entire series some time ago, but didn't get to read it yet. If I had known it was this great I would have already read it. Have already started the next book and it is great too.

  • Sarah

    Awesome! I have been trying to find mermaid/man tails (see what I did there) for a long time, but all the ones I have found have been cheesy. This book is amazing! I can’t wait to read the others!